# Articuno #

Location: Orange Island
Method: After defeating the league lauren, finds with LANCE in TM. DRAKEN, defeats it and it will deliver ORANGE PASS to it, with it will be possible to travel with the airplane in BRAMBOCH TOWN.
Level: 40
Method: After defeating the league lauren, finds with LANCE in TM. DRAKEN, defeats it and it will deliver ORANGE PASS to it, with it will be possible to travel with the airplane in BRAMBOCH TOWN.
Level: 40
# Zapdos #

Location: Orange Island
Method: After defeating the league lauren, finds with LANCE in TM. DRAKEN, defeats it and it will deliver ORANGE PASS to it, with it will be possible to travel with the airplane in BRAMBOCH TOWN.
Level: 40
Method: After defeating the league lauren, finds with LANCE in TM. DRAKEN, defeats it and it will deliver ORANGE PASS to it, with it will be possible to travel with the airplane in BRAMBOCH TOWN.
Level: 40
# Moltres #

Location: Orange Island
Method: After defeating the league lauren, finds with LANCE in TM. DRAKEN, defeats it and it will deliver ORANGE PASS to it, with it will be possible to travel with the airplane in BRAMBOCH TOWN.
Level: 40
Method: After defeating the league lauren, finds with LANCE in TM. DRAKEN, defeats it and it will deliver ORANGE PASS to it, with it will be possible to travel with the airplane in BRAMBOCH TOWN.
Level: 40
# Mewtwo #

Location: Team Steam Hideout
Method: After defeating the league lauren, go for base of TEAM STEAM.
Level: 50
Method: After defeating the league lauren, go for base of TEAM STEAM.
Level: 50
# Mew #

Location: Randon
Method: After capturing MEWTWO randomly it will appear, in a next route the SERENITY CITY or in the next route the NOORMEAK CITY
Level: 40
Method: After capturing MEWTWO randomly it will appear, in a next route the SERENITY CITY or in the next route the NOORMEAK CITY
Level: 40
# Raikou #

Location: Randon
Method: After defeating the league lauren, goes until KOSAKA CITY and defeats EUSINE, later it will appear randomly in the LAUREN routes.
Level: 40
Method: After defeating the league lauren, goes until KOSAKA CITY and defeats EUSINE, later it will appear randomly in the LAUREN routes.
Level: 40
# Entei #

Location: Randon
Method: After defeating the league lauren, goes until KOSAKA CITY and defeats EUSINE, later it will appear randomly in the LAUREN routes.
Level: 40
Method: After defeating the league lauren, goes until KOSAKA CITY and defeats EUSINE, later it will appear randomly in the LAUREN routes.
Level: 40
# Suicune #

Location: Randon
Method: After defeating the league lauren, goes until KOSAKA CITY and defeats EUSINE, later it will appear randomly in the LAUREN routes.
Level: 40
Method: After defeating the league lauren, goes until KOSAKA CITY and defeats EUSINE, later it will appear randomly in the LAUREN routes.
Level: 40
# Lugia #

Location: Randon
Method: After defeating the league lauren, goes until KOSAKA CITY and defeats EUSINE, later defeats LANCE in TM. DRAKEN and travels of Airplane in BRAMBOCH TOWN for ORANGE ISLAND to the south.
Level: 50
Method: After defeating the league lauren, goes until KOSAKA CITY and defeats EUSINE, later defeats LANCE in TM. DRAKEN and travels of Airplane in BRAMBOCH TOWN for ORANGE ISLAND to the south.
Level: 50
# Ho-oH #

Location: Mt. Rainbow
Method: After defeating the league lauren, goes until KOSAKA CITY and defeats EUSINE, after obtaining RAINBOW PASS it goes until NOORMEAK CITY and it catches the hot air Balloon of the right.
Level: 50
Method: After defeating the league lauren, goes until KOSAKA CITY and defeats EUSINE, after obtaining RAINBOW PASS it goes until NOORMEAK CITY and it catches the hot air Balloon of the right.
Level: 50
# Celebi #

Location: Dardusk Woods
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats EUSINE in KOSAKA CITY, and goes until DARDUSK WOOD' s.
Level: 40
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats EUSINE in KOSAKA CITY, and goes until DARDUSK WOOD' s.
Level: 40
# Regirock #

Location: Mt. Shuem
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats STEVEN in SNOWCE CITY, and later it goes for MT.SHUEM.
Level: 40
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats STEVEN in SNOWCE CITY, and later it goes for MT.SHUEM.
Level: 40
# Regiice #

Location: Mt. IceStorm
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats STEVEN in SNOWCE CITY, and later it goes for MT.ICESTORM.
Level: 40
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats STEVEN in SNOWCE CITY, and later it goes for MT.ICESTORM.
Level: 40
# Registell #

Location: Mt. Zhery
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats STEVEN in SNOWCE CITY, and later it goes for MT.ZHERY.
Level: 40
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats STEVEN in SNOWCE CITY, and later it goes for MT.ZHERY.
Level: 40
# Latias #

Location: Random
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats STEVEN in SNOWCE CITY, it will appear randomly in the aquatic routes of ZHERY.
Level: 40
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats STEVEN in SNOWCE CITY, it will appear randomly in the aquatic routes of ZHERY.
Level: 40
# Latios #

Location: Random
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats STEVEN in SNOWCE CITY, it will appear randomly in the aquatic routes of ZHERY.
Level: 40
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats STEVEN in SNOWCE CITY, it will appear randomly in the aquatic routes of ZHERY.
Level: 40
# Groudon #

Location: Mt. Origin
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats STEVEN in SNOWCE CITY, go to the north of SEANPORT CITY for IMATARI ISLAND, and MT. ORIGEN.
Level: 40
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats STEVEN in SNOWCE CITY, go to the north of SEANPORT CITY for IMATARI ISLAND, and MT. ORIGEN.
Level: 40
# Kyogre #

Location: Zhery Underweather
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats STEVEN in SNOWCE CITY, go to the north of SEANPORT CITY for IMATARI ISLAND, and MT. ORIGEN.
Level: 40
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats STEVEN in SNOWCE CITY, go to the north of SEANPORT CITY for IMATARI ISLAND, and MT. ORIGEN.
Level: 40
# Jirachi #

Location: World Championsh
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats STEVEN in SNOWCE CITY, go YELLOW TOWN speak with ASH, and go with TRAIN in CENTRAL CITY for WORLD CHAMPIONSH.
Level: 40
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats STEVEN in SNOWCE CITY, go YELLOW TOWN speak with ASH, and go with TRAIN in CENTRAL CITY for WORLD CHAMPIONSH.
Level: 40
# Deoxys #

Location: Ironnem City
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats STEVEN in SNOWCE CITY, go IRONNEM CITY.
Level: 50
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats STEVEN in SNOWCE CITY, go IRONNEM CITY.
Level: 50
# Rayquaza #

Location: Mt. Sky
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats STEVEN in SNOWCE CITY, go IRONNEM CITY follows the right and finds an entrance for MT. SKY.
Level: 50
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats STEVEN in SNOWCE CITY, go IRONNEM CITY follows the right and finds an entrance for MT. SKY.
Level: 50
# Alzelf #

Location: Random
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats SHINORA in NOORMEAK CITY, it will appear randomly in ZHERY routes.
Level: 50
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats SHINORA in NOORMEAK CITY, it will appear randomly in ZHERY routes.
Level: 50
# Uxie #

Location: Random
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats SHINORA in NOORMEAK CITY, it will appear randomly in ZHERY routes.
Level: 50
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats SHINORA in NOORMEAK CITY, it will appear randomly in ZHERY routes.
Level: 50
# Mesprit #

Location: Random
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats SHINORA in NOORMEAK CITY, it will appear randomly in ZHERY routes.
Level: 50
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats SHINORA in NOORMEAK CITY, it will appear randomly in ZHERY routes.
Level: 50
# Darkray #

Location: Distorcion World
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats SHINORA in NOORMEAK CITY, go for DARDUSK CITY and sleeps in a bed.
Level: 40
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats SHINORA in NOORMEAK CITY, go for DARDUSK CITY and sleeps in a bed.
Level: 40
# Cresselia #

Location: Distorcion World
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats SHINORA in NOORMEAK CITY, go for MERYDIAN CITY and sleeps in a bed.
Level: 40
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats SHINORA in NOORMEAK CITY, go for MERYDIAN CITY and sleeps in a bed.
Level: 40
# Manaphy #

Location: Zhery Underwheater
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats SHINORA in NOORMEAK CITY, go for next ZHERY ROAD the ELITE FOUR ZHERY and uses DIVE.
Level: 40
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats SHINORA in NOORMEAK CITY, go for next ZHERY ROAD the ELITE FOUR ZHERY and uses DIVE.
Level: 40
# Heatran #

Location: Mt. Vulcan
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats SHINORA in NOORMEAK CITY, go for next MT. VULCANE.
Level: 40
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats SHINORA in NOORMEAK CITY, go for next MT. VULCANE.
Level: 40
# Regigigas #

Location: World Championsh
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats SHINORA in NOORMEAK CITY, go for WORLD CHAMPIONSH.
Level: 50
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats SHINORA in NOORMEAK CITY, go for WORLD CHAMPIONSH.
Level: 50
# Dialga #

Location: Alpha Universe
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats SHINORA in NOORMEAK CITY, go for TM. OREN and uses a vestibule.
Level: 40
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats SHINORA in NOORMEAK CITY, go for TM. OREN and uses a vestibule.
Level: 40
# Palkia #

Location: Alpha Universe
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats SHINORA in NOORMEAK CITY, go for TM. OREN and uses a vestibule.
Level: 40
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats SHINORA in NOORMEAK CITY, go for TM. OREN and uses a vestibule.
Level: 40
# Giratina #

Location: Torn World
Method: After batle Dragon trio and Arceus you go for TORN WORLD find Giratina.
Level: 50
Method: After batle Dragon trio and Arceus you go for TORN WORLD find Giratina.
Level: 50
# Arceus #

Location: Alpha Island
Method: After defeating the league lauren, go for a hot air balloon in NOORMEAK CITY of the left.
Level: 50
Method: After defeating the league lauren, go for a hot air balloon in NOORMEAK CITY of the left.
Level: 50
# Kobaruon #

Location: Random
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats BLANE in CARMIN TOWN, it will appear randomly in LAUREN routes.
Level: 40
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats BLANE in CARMIN TOWN, it will appear randomly in LAUREN routes.
Level: 40
# Terakion #

Location: Random
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats BLANE in CARMIN TOWN, it will appear randomly in LAUREN routes.
Level: 40
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats BLANE in CARMIN TOWN, it will appear randomly in LAUREN routes.
Level: 40
# Birijon #

Location: In front InhoreWoods
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats BLANE in CARMIN TOWN, it will appear in front InhoreWoods.
Level: 40
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats BLANE in CARMIN TOWN, it will appear in front InhoreWoods.
Level: 40
# Zekrom #

Location: Mt. Winter
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats BLANE in CARMIN TOWN, it will appear in front Mt. Winter.
Level: 50
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats BLANE in CARMIN TOWN, it will appear in front Mt. Winter.
Level: 50
# Reshiram #

Location: Mt. Winter
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats BLANE in CARMIN TOWN, it will appear in front Mt. Winter.
Level: 50
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats BLANE in CARMIN TOWN, it will appear in front Mt. Winter.
Level: 50
# Kyuremu #

Location: Peak Mt. Kyuem
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats BLANE in CARMIN TOWN, it will appear in front Peak Mt. Kyuem, in north of Dragon Breath City.
Level: 50
Method: After defeating the league lauren, defeats BLANE in CARMIN TOWN, it will appear in front Peak Mt. Kyuem, in north of Dragon Breath City.
Level: 50
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