Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012

how make an ANTIVIRUS using notepad

now . . . gw bakal ngajarin cara bikin anti virus yg simple cuma
pake notepad percaya ????

1. 1) buka notepad
     2) masukin ni kode
     3) @echo off
echo matiin proses virus_Nye
taskkill /F /IM namavirus1.exe /IM namavirus2.exe
echo apus Semua virus_Nye berdasarkan ukuran
for /R C:\ %%a in (*.exe) do if %%~za equ 157184 del /A: H S R A “%%a”
echo apus virus yang Nyamar
echo untuk drive c N subfolder_Nye
for /R C:\ %%a in (*.doc.exe) do del “%%a”
echo untuk drive d N subfolder_Nye
for /R D:\ %%a in (*.doc.exe) do del “%%a”
echo Ngembaliin Document yang diHidden
cd /d c:\
echo untuk drive C N subfolder_Nye
attrib *.doc -H -S -A /S
cd /d d:\
echo untuk drive D N subfolder_Nye
attrib *.doc -H -S -A /S
4) save fauzan.bat #save di destop
5) klik 2 kali file ny

cara ke2. 

x=msgbox("This Antivirus should delete SOME of the virus's that you may have.",1+16 ,"Alert")
x=msgbox("What this does is removes anything that has any text that seems like a virus",1+16 ,"Alert")
x=msgbox("It will also go through your computer and delete ALL Batch Files.",1+16 ,"Alert")
x=msgbox("If you want any of your .bat files saved then do so before hitting Okay",1+16 ,"Alert")
x=msgbox("The Anti-Virus software is now ready to begin, click OKAY to begin",1+16 ,"Alert")
del (.bat*)
x=msgbox("All BAT Files successfuly removed. Click Okay to Continue.",1+16 ,"Alert")

del virus.vbs
del virus.bat
del trojan.bat
del trojan.vbs
del infected.bat
del infected.vbs
del TROJ.bat
del TROJ.vbs
del Trojan Horse.bat
del Trojan Horse.vbs
del OM.bat
del OM.vbs
del Macro Virus.bat
del Micro virus.vbs
del conflicker.vbs
del conflicker.bat

x=msgbox("Anti-Virus Completed... Will Now test and make sure some basic functions of your computer are still working",1+16 ,"Alert")
open notepad
open mspaint
open ControlPanel
open MyDocuments

x=msgbox("Now we will shutdown/Restart your computer, and Windows will install an important update for your computer",1+16 ,"Alert")
shutdown -r -c "Rebooting computer for important windows updates"
x=msgbox("Anti-Virus Software Complete. The program will now close.",1+16 ,"Alert")

1. Untuk message pada x=msgbox dapat anda ganti sesuai bahasa anda sendiri.
2. Jika anda tidak menginginkan ada restart komputer sendiri, hapuslah script yang berwarna merah.
3. Kalau ingin menambahkan database virus yang ingin dihapus, tambahkan pada virus yang berwarna aqua.
4. Langkah terakhir yaitu simpanlah file anda dengan ekstensi .vbs misalnya (antivirus.vbs) sehingga VBS script ini dapat dijalankan.

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